The DrWimp C Application Builder
Programs written using !DrWimpC. Since !DrWimpC is new this will have more entries in due course.
!MyDesk. An unobtrusive Virtual Screen Manager that works by hiding windows using the invisible window stack (wimp handle behind = -3) instead of a large x or y offset. It uses a menu system and control panel instead of a main viewer/micro view mechanism to navigate between desktops and access windows. Provides unlimited virtual screens in user arranged order. Windows can be organized to appear on one or more of the screens and accessed using menus which list them by screen or task or all windows on all screens. The usual facilities to hide, show, get, fetch, move, copy a window or group of windows are possible. Backdrop and pinboard configurations can be associated with a virtual screen. A small configuration script language allows windows and window types to be ignored, or included in a screen, and alerts issued. The program has been written as a test of DrWimpC App Builder. Contains the source code and a version of !RunImage in the sub directory ROOLCrunImage linked with the ROOL Shared C library instead of the GCC shared library version of the DrWimpC library so !MyDesk can be used without the !DRWDEF part of DrWimpC Application Builder being present on your system.
!drwopen. A small utility to open or close (selected) directories whose icons are <Select> dragged from a filer window or the pinboard onto the drwopen iconbar icon. If the <Shift> key is pressed at the time of the drag over the drwopen iconbar icon then the filer directory viewer is closed. Full source is included with some explanatory documentation in the !drwopen html help document.
Next: DrWimpC on the Raspberry Pi
Previous: External Help Buttons Part 2